Be Awesome!
If you don’t feel you are going to be awesome, or you’ve just had a booking that was less than awesome, make up for it, or reschedule for another time. Everyone has off days, but making other people pay to hang out with you if you know you are having an off day is not cool in the slightest. Clients are paying for your time and to make the most of that time.

Presentation is everything.
Dress appropriately. You are not going out to your local gym or shopping mall, you are working as a high-class escort where presentation is everything. First impressions count. A little black dress, stockings and suspenders and matching lingerie with high heel stilettos is a fantastic basic outfit which will see you from day to night. Hair and make up done neatly is also a must, remember your client is paying for a touch of glamour, not a barefaced and sweaty look straight from the gym.

Be on time.
I’ve been known to have “interesting” days that have left me with more tales of disaster to amuse my friends with… it can happen to the best of us. Utilising a professional driver from your agency will help minimise any stresses of driving through heavy traffic or unfamiliar areas. That way you can relax and arrive at your booking in a fresh and relaxed state of mind. Utilising a driver also means extra security for you, which is excellent peace of mind.

Be yourself, only a sexier, more salacious version.
This is a big one for me. Maybe not everyone will like you, but those who do like your style will be fiercely loyal, and they will adore what you do, and who you are.
There’s no point pretending to be someone you aren’t, unless you are pretending to be the person you’d really like to be when you grow up. People will pick up on it, and people like me will be turned off by it. I hate plastic people with no personalities.
Anyone who’s met me through work as Mia would find out that as my non whore self, I am still me, only with more clothes on.

Be Genuinely Welcoming.
The flipside of being yourself is treating your clients like actual human beings with feelings. Some of the people I see are just coming over for a tumble, some of them come over for the human connection – I think these clients mean the most to me, they need me the most, and I have a bigger impact on their lives, some clients just want to give themselves a sensual treat, others are exploring their sexuality, some want to see me for the freaky things I can do…. but they are all different, they are all people, they all have thoughts and feelings and needs. The day you start seeing walking wallets instead of a human is the day you need to retire, IMO.

Be Accepting, or be clear about what is unacceptable.
People come in all shapes and sizes and colours and accents and abilities and disabilities and cultures… the variety is endless. If you have genuine issues with any particular variety of people, be upfront with your agency about it. Don’t take your client’s money if you aren’t prepared to give them the same treatment as everyone else. It is dodgy to the extreme. I don’t want to see people with severe mental disabilities, so I say so straight out to my agency – I know I can’t provide the same standard of service, so I barr them outright rather than taking the money and doing a really awful job of it.

Be Kind to Yourself
Treat yourself like a princess, every chance you get. This industry has no time for people who haven’t got time for themselves… It’ll eat you up and spit out your dry and withered husk if you let it. It’s easy to be open and friendly and lovely to your clients if you feel happy and relaxed and fulfilled… very much not the case if you are feeling run down and pestered and like nothing you do is ever enough for anyone.
One of my big lessons over the last two years is that compassion and empathy are severely limited when you are stressed, and that the person who controls your stress levels is you. It’s cheaper and easier in the long run to take the afternoon off and get a massage after a long week than it is to find a good therapist when you develop full blown anxiety.

Be Smart About It – Which means Stay Safe
Know your rights and responsibilities as a sex worker. Figure out what you want from this job, and it can be incredibly rewarding. It is illegal for a sex worker to have sex without utilising protection – and that means vaginal, anal or oral sex. If you don’t have a strong will or the ability to stand up to “persuaders” it can get scary pretty fast.
You need a spine to do this job, or pretty soon you won’t know yourself… people can be talked into some “amazing” things.
There are a large percentage of people who will expect you to take risks you may not be comfortable with. Don’t do anything you don’t want to. No means NO. Your body is your temple. Your form of income. Your body is your life. Don’t risk it.

Client Feedback and Reviews
If you find you aren’t getting clients or retaining clients, maybe you can do a little research into what the punters would prefer by reading online reviews, both of yourself and other escorts and asking your agency for feedback from your clients. It’s what I did when I wanted to get my name out there.